[SW191] 06/19/2015 message notes by
Evangelist Susan J. Wynn ©2015

“Stain Removal”

Today I want to talk with you about laundry, because we must appear before our King without stain or wrinkle.

Texts spoken to God’s children, Judah, while they were in captivity in Babylon:

Ezekiel 36:25 “Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.

Ezekiel 36:26 “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  27 “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.”

Ephesians 5:25   Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,  26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,
Ephesians 5:27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.

Well, we’re talking here about cleansing and stains and wrinkles. Now the Lord showed me some things about stains.

A stain can have an external source — spaghetti sauce, barbecue sauce from ribs, grease grape juice, and such.

When you see it, you can treat it with stain remover, or scrub it, or bleach it, or soak it. And sooner or later, it will come out. Sometimes we have to be persistent, if it’s a really bad stain.

The Lord says through Ezekiel in 36:25 that he will sprinkle clean water on us, and we will be clean.

He’ll cleanse you from all your sins you have committed in the past, the actions you did that were against Him, when you see them and see Him as our Savior and turn from them and ask Him to remove these external things, the actions you have done against Him.

You have soiled ourselves with them, and we are stained with them, but the Launderer is here to clean you up! He is our Launderer, and the word for that in the Bible is “fuller.” The Lord says,

Malachi 3:2 “But who can endure the day of His [Jesus’] coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap.”
He’s going to scrub you clean! He specializes in stain removal!

Now we must go on.

Some stains have an internal source, something that comes from inside you. Underarm stains and stains around the collar are from perspiration. Even if you remove those stains from your clothing, they will come back again, because they come from something inside you. The only way to stop them would be to stop perspiring!

Beloved, you have something that comes from inside you that stains the outside of you, and no matter how many times you ask the Lord to forgive you, they keep reappearing, and they will continue, unless the source is treated. And that inward condition separates you from your God (Isaiah 59:2), because you continue to sin against Him after you have become His child, just as Israel did.

Jeremiah 2:22 “Although you wash yourself with lye
And use much soap,
The stain of your iniquity is before Me,” declares the Lord GOD.

We sing, “My CHAINS are gone, I’ve been set free.” But maybe we ought to sing “My STAINS are gone, I’ve been set free,” because removing the STAINS removes the CHAINS!

The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), so you must not continue to sin against God after coming to Him through His Son. But there’s something INSIDE you that keeps causing the stain of sin.

What can you do? Are you stuck in sin forever, like the man in Romans 7? Knowing what’s right and yet doing what’s wrong?

No! What does the Lord say, in Ezekiel 36:26-27? He will not only sprinkle clean water on us externally, but He ALSO promises that if we ask Him (Luke 11:13), He will put a new heart and a new spirit within us — His!

He will remove the source of the stain of sin, the sin nature that’s in you, the one you inherited from your father, Adam! He will remove that iniquity, the source, that inward perverseness and twistedness, that results in continued outward stains!

He will remove the heart of stone, the one that is hardened over and rebellious, and put a heart of flesh in us, one that will respond to His every whisper. When He does laundry, He really does LAUNDRY!

When He baptizes you with HIS Spirit, you will walk in His ways and be obedient to Him. And you will love Him with His love (Romans 5:5)! And you will be a witness of Jesus Christ who saved you and cleaned you up inside and out (Acts 1:8)! And you will have a holy, intimate relationship called fellowship, with the Father and the Son:

1John 1:3 what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.  4 These things we write, so that our [also yours!]  joy may be made complete.

This cleansing gives great joy to God the Father, and God the Son gives you His joy, and we all rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory (1Peter 1:8)!

Now the Lord wants me to say something else, too:

Ephesians 5:27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory [a glorious church, in the King James version of the Bible] , having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.

I have spoken of spots and stains. But I must talk about wrinkles, too.

The Lord showed me that even when I have carefully pressed a skirt, when I sit down for a while and then get up, I will find it has wrinkled. I have to apply some heat with an iron to get the wrinkles out again. But as soon as I sit down again, they’ll come back.

Beloved, the church is wrinkled because she has been sitting in one place for too long! She has all kinds of creases in her because she has become complacent and comfortable! Who can get these wrinkles out? Only Jesus Christ can do it!

You must let Him apply some heat to you, beloved. You must let Him baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire, and you won’t want anything to do with sitting down! You’ll run, dance, jump, and walk about with His name continually on your lips! He will make you holy by filling you with His holiness, blameless and faultless in His eyes because your motives and heart are pure and totally His!

He is ready now to rid you of your frustration, your rebellion, and your complacency. He is ready to rid you of your stains. He is ready to rid you of your wrinkles.

Are you willing to agree with Him that you have stains you can’t get rid of, no matter how hard you scrub and soak? Are you ready to agree with Him that you have wrinkles because you have sat in one place for too long?

Agree, and He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire! Not just your chains, but your stains will be gone, and you will be set free, indeed!

What’s this got to do with daily living? What’s this got to do with all the problems you have?

Everything! If He changes you inside, then your circumstances will also change BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN CHANGED. That stain, your inward rebellion against Him will be gone, you will be at peace with Him, and these things will be reflected in your life.

You will become a change agent in your own life and the lives of others. You will become a minister of reconciliation, and an ambassador for your King (2 Corinthians 5:18, 20).

And church, you will get off your duffs and on your heavenly assignment!

And that stain that kept coming back? It’ll be gone for good, because the inward source is gone!

2Corinthians 7:1   Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

1Peter 4:1   Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,  2 so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.

Let us say to the Lord, “We agree!” That’s our part in the cleansing. Let us say, “Let our sin nature be put to death so we no longer sin against you!” Amen!


[SW188] 06/06/2015 message notes by
Evangelist Susan J. Wynn ©2015

“God’s Ways”

Text: Isaiah 55, Matthew 5:44ff

Seek the Lord!

The Lord said this to His people at the time of Isaiah, and He says it to His people now, both the church and Israel:

Isaiah 55:1 I cry out to you! Are you thirsty? Really thirsty, to the point where you will die if you don’t have some water? Then come to My waters. Not natural waters, but waters that give you eternal life, and I’ll make that life flow from your belly, when you are filled with the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39).

Are you poor to the point where you have no money? Then come to My store. Not a natural store, but provision from My heavenly storehouse. Heavenly treasures!
I’ll give you true nourishment that costs you nothing. It is a gift!

Isaiah 55:2  It’s no surprise to Me, but I pose this question to you. How do you spend the money you work so hard to get?  You spend money for bread, but it isn’t the kind of bread that will satisfy you fully. Only I have that bread.

What you’re buying in the natural cannot possibly satisfy you — be it status, love, food, clothing, a car, or a house, or an alteration of your physical body. These things are worthless. They will never satisfy you. Only a holy, intimate relationship with Me can satisfy.

If you will listen carefully to Me, and eat My words which are good for you, you will find abundant life (John 10:10). THEN you will be satisfied.

Isaiah 53:3  Come to Me through My Son, Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28-30). Listen to Me, and you will have eternal life.

If you bend your ear, if you make it bow down to My words, I will give you the same promise I made to David, to whom I also showed great mercy — My compassion and love.

I will make you My house here and now, and I will give you an eternal kingdom in which to live, and you will rule and reign with My Son.

Isaiah 53:4 You will become a witness to everyone on earth (Acts 1:8).

Isaiah 53:5  I will fill you with My glory, and people from all over the earth will run, not walk, to you. I’ll do it because you have given your heart to Me and no other god, and I am your God, the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 53:6  This is a limited time offer. I am near now, I am able to be found now. It will not always be so.

Isaiah 53:7 You must turn from your wickedness and your thoughts, which are evil and nothingness. You must turn to Me.

If you do, I will have compassion on you and will receive you and abundantly pardon you!

Isaiah 53:8  Your ways are far from My ways, but if you will ask me to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire, My people, I will give you My nature and My love and My heart and you will be filled!

Your ways are wicked and your thoughts are unrighteous. These are not My ways. I am holy, I am good, I am righteous. You are not these things, but if you will bend your ear and listen and heed and do what I am telling you now, you will easily walk in My ways, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).

Your ways are far from Mine in another way, too. If someone does evil to you, your response is to dismiss them, to reject them, and never reconcile to them.

My ways and thoughts are ENTIRELY different from yours! They are higher. They are excellent and worthy of praise. I abundantly pardon the greatest of sinners. Even if someone has rejected and cast Me to the side for many years and yet claimed to be Mine, I will receive them when they turn.

To My people who have been exiled to Babylon, I said:

Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

And I have said:

Deuteronomy 4:29 “But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.”

I am faithful, and just as rain and snow are bound to water the earth and cause great abundance, so is My Word bound to cause abundance in you. But you have a choice. I have given you free will. You may reject My Word, or you may receive it and let Me do in your heart the thing that only I can do.

If you do receive it, you will have this promise — you will go out with joy and be led forth in peace. My Son, Jesus Christ, will give you His joy, and He, the Prince of Peace, will lead you and you will not stray any longer.

Everything in creation will respond to the joy that is in you, to My presence that is in you. People from all over, and everywhere you go, will be drawn to you, drawn to My life and My love and My Spirit in you.

And nothing will destroy My Holy Spirit in you. When you are filled with My Spirit, no one can take Him away from you, and He will not leave. He cannot be crushed, and He does not diminish. No one can destroy Him, cause Him to leave you, or cause His witness in you to fade. He is eternal, and He is in you; therefore, Your ways are My ways and your thoughts are My thoughts.

Do not delay — this is a limited time offer, O Israel, O church. Return to Me and I will return to you.


[SW188] 05/29/2015 message notes by
Evangelist Susan J. Wynn ©2015

“A New Name”

Text: Isaiah 62:1-5, Romans 5:6-10

God’s great desire is to give you a new name — a new reputation, a new nature, a new character — His!

You must understand Romans 5:6-10, agree with God about your rebellion against Him (sin), and receive what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross. Then God gives you MANY new names. Here are just a few —

OLD NAME                 NEW NAME

Under God’s wrath          Saved from God’s wrath

Sinner                             Forgiven

Dead                              Raised to life

Blind                              One who sees

In the dark                     In Christ’s light

Far away                        Brought near

In a fog                          In the clear

Existing                         Living life as God has it

Addict                           Free

Porn-lover                    Christ-lover

Beaten                         Protected by God’s power

Possessed                   Delivered

Wounded child            Child of God

Broken                         Whole

Hopeless                     Hope-filled

Sick, with no cure        Healed

And THEN, when you ask your heavenly Father to fill you with the Holy Ghost (Luke 11:13) —

OLD NAME                          NEW NAME

Slave to sin                          Set free from sin

Double-minded                   Christ-minded

Divided heart                       Pure heart

Depressed                           Full of Christ’s joy

Witness of Adam’s nature    Witness of Christ’s nature

Beloved, when He gives you a new name, He changes you!!!!!! Do you believe it?

Beloved, today’s church doesn’t mention sin, just blessings. They don’t want you to feel bad about yourself. But you must see yourself through God’s eyes, see the name you now have, and understand your need for a new name! By not mentioning sin and not requiring repentance in order to be “saved,” today’s church DEPRIVES YOU of the true blessing of transformation of your character, reputation, nature and future!

Look at the transformations God has done —

Abram (exalted father) became Abraham (father of multitudes) — Genesis 17:5.

Sarai (princess) became Sarah (mother of nations) — Genesis 17:15.

Jacob (supplanter, schemer) became Israel (he who strives with God) — Genesis 32:28.

Simon (hearer) became Peter (a piece of rock) — Matthew 16:18.

The woman with the issue of blood, who had to cry, “Unclean” when she was in public,
became “Daughter” — Mark 5:34.

He changes your character, your reputation, your nature, your future. Will you believe Him?

People will say of you:

“How you have changed! What has happened?” (No one will miss the old “you.”)

“You are free as a bird! How did that happen?”

“You are healed! That’s impossible!”

“Your face glows! How can that be?”

“I’ve never seen a love like yours! You even love those who hate you!”

“I can feel the joy that’s in you when I’m near you!”

“You have a peace I can’t even comprehend!”

“How can you be patient in such a frustrating situation?”

“I have never seen such kindness and caring from you!”
“You have such great faith in Jesus Christ?”

“How can you be so full of hope when everything looks hopeless?”

“You are so gentle and humble — you never used to be that way!”

And you will be able to tell them what God has done in you, through Jesus Christ, and by the power of His Holy Spirit.

And here is another powerful truth —

When men try to label you with one of their names, your character, your reputation, and your nature will not conform to their name!

In captivity in Babylon, three Hebrew young men were renamed by a Babylonian commander—

GOD’S NAME                            MAN’S NAME

Hananiah (YHWH is gracious)     Shadrach (circuit of the sun/sun worship in view)

Mischael (who is what God is)    Meshach (who is what Aka, a Babylon god, is)

Azariah (YHWH has helped)       Abed-nego (servant of Nego, a Babylonian god)

But when they were commanded to worship King Nebucadnezzar’s image, they refused and remained loyal to God, even when their lives were at stake.

No man will be able to change your nature, your reputation, and your character when God has given you a new name!

I tell you, beloved, He wants to give you a new name today. But you must agree with Him that you need one, just as Israel needed to agree with Him in Isaiah 62:2.

They were “not yet” (see verse 1), just as some who are watching are “not yet.” You’re still rebellious against God.

You’re still going your own way.

You confess that you are a Christian, but you live like the devil.

And church, you do the same! And you are exiled from the presence of God; He is not with you right now.

But I will not keep quiet until your righteousness goes forth like the dawn, and your salvation like a burning torch!

I will give the Lord no rest until He makes you a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:7)!

Believe God, confess your sin, turn from it, ask God to forgive you through the precious blood of Jesus Christ! He will make you a child of God!

THEN ask God the Father for His Holy Spirit, and He will fill you and make you a witness to His Son, Jesus Christ!


[SW187] 05/22/2015 message notes by
Evangelist Susan J. Wynn ©2015


Pentecost — what is it? The fulfillment of God’s promise to pour out His Spirit, and Jesus Christ’s promise that even today, if we wait, He will fill us and make us His witnesses!

Texts: Joel 2:23-25, 28-29 and others



— Even from that which looks dead


Comes from above

Pours out


Dryness departs

Makes workable the hard and cracked soil

Produces beauty

Produces food






Prophesied — in the midst of drought, famine, and locusts (Joel 2:23ff)

Prayed for — in the midst of rebuilding, but under the rule of those who did not serve God (Zechariah 10:1ff)

Poured out — Acts 2

The result? As above!!!!!

AND . . .

Unified in nature, now partakers of the divine nature (John 17:23, 2Peter 1:4)

Sanctified through and through (John 17:19, Thessalonians 5:23)

Liberty (2Corinthians 3:17)! From what?

Super-conquerors (Romans 8:37)! Of what?
Sin itself and slavery to it (John 8:31-36)!

THEN we are His witnesses!


[SW182] 04/17/2015 message notes by
Evangelist Susan J. Wynn ©2015

“What God Makes You”

What does God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit make you when you are saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost? Oh, my! I’m about to tell you about it!

Text: Isaiah 61

NOTE: This text is a promise for Israel, God’s people, if they see their Messiah, Jesus Christ. But you have also been made one of God’s, even His adopted child, so these promises are for you, too!

When the Spirit of the Lord has filled you up, and Jesus Christ rules reigns in you (John 14:17), beloved, by way of His Holy Spirit —

61:1    He makes you anointed and appointed, consecrated and assigned! To do what?

— Use those beautiful feet (Isaiah 52:7) to bring good news of God’s great salvation to the afflicted, that is, the contrite and humble, those who know they need what God has (and we all need it), just like God did for you. Those are the ones who will gladly receive what you bring!

— Bind up (wrap firmly and heal) those whose hearts are shattered in pieces, just like God did for you!

— Proclaim liberty (freedom, rapid movement, and spontaneous outflow!) to the captives of sin, just like God did to you!

— Proclaim freedom to prisoners, but the literal is much more powerful! Complete opening to the bound ones, just like God did to you!

— Proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, a very long year that began about 2000 years ago and is still continuing, just like God did for you!

61:2     — Proclaim the day of vengeance of our God, when He will take revenge upon Satan and those who reject His Christ. Amen! We must speak of God’s judgment, for He sent His Son to keep us from it, if we will believe!

— Comfort those who mourn over the wickedness that is done in high places  in this world, just like He did you.

When the Spirit of the Lord has filled you up, and Jesus Christ rules reigns in you, beloved —

61:3    —Those who mourn over their spiritual condition will, like you, receive a change in character and condition!

— A garland (victorious crown) instead of ashes on their heads, just like He did you!

— The oil of gladness instead of mourning — oh, they will receive through you the glorious oil of the Holy Ghost, righteousness, peace and joy in Him (Romans 14:17), so they, too, can be anointed and appointed, consecrated and assigned, just as God made you!

— The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting, which means praise will be like a robe upon them, just like God put that mantle of praise on you!

And just like you, they will be called oaks, strong and long-lived, even oaks of righteousness, standing firm and right with God because God is in them to empower them to live holy lives! Why? So He is glorified! So people see Him in you, and say, “The Lord, He is God!” They see that, like you, these have been with Jesus!

It won’t be their work, but God’s. He’s the Planter, and when He looks over His great and vast plantations of oaks of righteousness, He is glad, indeed!

61:4 — Then they will join you in:

— Rebuilding the ancient ruins of the lives of those around them!

— Raising up those who have been devastated by Satan’s work in their hearts!

— Repairing that which seemed impossible to restore because it had been in ruins for so long!

61:5 — Strangers, those they and you do not now know, will supply your natural needs for food and drink, just as the widows did for Elijah and then Elisha.

— But why won’t they and you and they be tending to those things?

61:6 — Just as God has made you, they will be called priests of the Lord (1Peter 1:4-5), a royal priesthood! It’s a full-time job, so others will supply their natural needs for food and drink, in a similar way to the Levitical priesthood in the Old Testament. Oh, my!

— They, like you, will be ministers of our God (Ezekiel 44:15), those who directly minister to God, face-to-face, coming extremely near to Him to minister to Him, having holy intimacy with Him, pouring out of the love He poured into their hearts to overflowing, just as He poured it into yours (Romans 5:5)!

— They, like you,  will enjoy the spoils of victory over this world system!

61:7  Just as God has made you, they will exchange their shame for an inheritance!

— They, like you, will receive the inheritance of the first born, a double portion!

—They, like you become co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17)!

— And they, like you, will shout for joy because of it! Not for just a moment, but everlastingly, joy unspeakable and full of glory (1Peter 1:8)!

61:8    Just as God made you, they will offer themselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing (Romans 12:1), when they, like you, are filled with the Holy Ghost!

— This is just and right to God. He loves when His brand of justice is done!
He hates a partial offering, a lukewarm offering, an offering accompanied by complaint. Glad and full surrender is what pleases Him!

— And they, like you, will receive their reward, and an everlasting promise will be made to them by Him!

61:9 —They will be made bearers of blessed children, just like you! Everyone will recognize the Holy Ghost in them and their children!

61:10    — And like just like you, He will make them into rejoicers, those who rejoice greatly in the Lord and exult God! Why?

— Like you, they will know that they are clothed with salvation and wrapped in a robe of righteousness!

— Like you, they will know that there is a victorious Bridegroom coming for them, and they will be adorned with great spiritual riches in preparation for the day He comes!

Well . . .

62:2-3 — Like you, they will have a new name given to them by God. That designates that change in their condition and character!

— He will make them into a crown of beauty and a royal diadem (turban) in His hand, that is, under the control and care of God.

I could go on and on! I am one who stands on the wall, who cries to the church and those who do not know Christ to repent, to turn, until they shine brightly with the righteousness, like the brightness of the dawn’s radiance (62:1)!

I am a watchman who will never keep silent, I will not take rest, and I will cry out to God until He establishes and makes the church, and His people Israel who receive their Messiah, a praise to the earth!

Now, my brothers and sisters, has God made you these things? You must ask Him to do it, so you can lead others to the same thing! You can’t lead them to it if He has not made you that which you are proclaiming! You can’t fake this. You can’t be all nice in church on Sunday and live like hell the rest of the week! Amen!

Examine yourself right now, before Him. Bow, kneel, contritely and humbly. If you are not doing these things, ask Him right now to save, sanctify, and then fill you with the Holy Ghost. And He will make you these things. It is His promise, and He never goes back on His promises.